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Author: AMC Guy   Date: 9/12/2023 10:27:02 AM  +11/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Just think about how much of the country doesn't have HAA coverage (or enough per capita) and the world gets along just fine.

HAA is a nice to have, not a need to have. It's typically unfair to society in how it's currently managed in the US.

My experience was that 10-15% of flights were needed scene calls and 20-30% were necessary hospital transfers. For the rest, an ambulance would have been just fine for the patient; no need for highly trained med personnel and no critical need for speed. Just saddling people up with huge and unnecessary medical bills.

Granted, my experience was at a community base around class B and class C airspace (for city size comparison). Typically 20 min to scene, 20 min to hospital, 20 min home. I would imagine the percentage would be slightly better for more rural bases.
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HAA is dying a slow death +13/-3 So glad I'm almost done 9/12/2023 10:09:49 AM