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and take down all the monuments and rename all those

and take down all the monuments and rename all those  

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Author: hahaha   Date: 3/22/2023 9:40:24 PM  +1/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"we don't need to appease loser traitors decades later. what's the saying...get over it"

What's with the "we"?  You weren't in the Civil War.  My guess is that you weren't in any wars.  You're just a pencil-necked little troll who is still trying to get back at the rough boys that used to take your lunch money. 

What a sad sack of sh*t you must be.

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Fort Rucker +4/-2 RTAGer 3/20/2023 7:58:51 PM