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Whats the transition like from EMS to FW?

Whats the transition like from EMS to FW?  

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Author: :-)   Date: 12/26/2022 11:46:48 PM  +16/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I did. Do you have specific concerns or questions? For me, the biggest challenge was learning to manage an FMS properly and just the simple fact that things happen much faster in a jet. But it's not like it's impossible, just a bit of a learning curve.
Also, I work quite a bit harder (part 135 jet charter service) than I did in HAA. But the pay and bennies are much better, the training is better, and there's just more of a future (personal opinion). Hope to move on to a legacy airline at some point, but if I stayed where I am the rest of my career, it wouldn't be the end of the world.
Remember, as a dual-rated ATP, if you decide fixed-wing isn't for you, you can ALWAYS go back to flying HEMS.
Just my opinion.
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Whats the transition like from EMS to FW? +1/-2 collective21 12/26/2022 11:19:05 PM