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Current MTC Pilot, former AMC. GMR has to pay more for treating pilots

Current MTC Pilot, former AMC. GMR has to pay more for treating pilots   

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Author: You’re delusional    Date: 7/11/2022 2:11:07 PM  +10/-4   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You have no idea what you're talking about and are throwing out lies.

No GMR company has ever given a 1 or 2% annual increase. 3% has been the norm.

The is no forced base moves or forced OT. Bonus and stipends aren't just arbitrarily changed.

Every point you made is totally wrong. The biggest lie that you told was that a union would solve everything. Unions don't themselves pay employees their salaries, nor do they provide employees benefits. In fact, they can't guarantee employees anything.

What they do though is take dues from the employees that they force to join the union, and then pay themselves a big fat salary. That is a guarantee!  Everyone in this industry is so sick of unions. 

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Prior AMC Pilot +8/-6 Now MTC Pilot 7/11/2022 12:18:42 PM