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"right sizing"

"right sizing"  

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Author: BigT   Date: 5/5/2022 9:21:24 AM  +10/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Here is what "right sizing" means from a military perspective:  In WW2, the navy had over a thousand ships, including 27 fleet carriers and 60-plus escort carriers.  They even had a ship capable of making 500 gallons of ice cream a day!.  In all, there were about 3M navy personnel.  There were about 250 admirals running the show.  Today, the navy has less than 500 ships- not one of which can produce 500 gallons of ice cream- and about 500,000 people.  There are more than 350 admirals doing something or other.

In 1980, the coast guard had about 38,000 active duty members with 14 admirals.  Today, there are about 41,000 with 47 admirals.

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"right sizing" +1/-3 new guy 123 5/5/2022 8:40:45 AM