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Sheriff's helicopter crash

Sheriff's helicopter crash  

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Author: Listen...   Date: 8/29/2023 1:42:34 AM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You all can say "I'd have done this" or "I'd have done that" but that did not look survivable.  I guarantee you that the pilot was not thinking about the tail boom separating.  The fact that the tail didn't go into the rotor system and he flew it to impact AND had the talent and intuition about when to pull pitch, to cushion what he could, says a lot about his piloting ability. 

Now he gets to be tormented with not being able to help the other crewmember out of the aircraft.  Not that he saved the life of another but that he wasn't able to save them all.

I understand a lot of you come on here to troll and armchair quarterback but I want you to look at the pilot sitting next to you (or in the mirror) and ask yourself if you think you (prior to this video) would have thought about that tail coming off and if you think you have the skill to pull that off?

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Sheriff's helicopter crash +0/-0 Swiftpilot 8/28/2023 9:56:51 AM