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I have worked for for three large HEMS  Providers and I must say that I have seen pressure applied in the sense of take  your time but hurry up. I use to react to this and I certainly felt pressured. Then I ran in to some old souls that showed me that you could still get the job done and keep everyone happy even if it took 20 mins longer than the fastest guy or girl at your Base. 

As I was told ,, yes there may be some short term noise and discomfort , but it will move on to someone  or something else very quickly and your situation will soon be a past memory. 

So if I arrive at Base and am told there is a flight pending and I need to move fast etc etc... I agree with everyone  go take my normal speed to preflight etc ,, hell I may even pour a cup of coffee before  I brief the crew and low and behold I never seem to have an issue where anyone cares or remembers about that need for speed ... and that's for a scene or IFT..

 I am sure if I rush and forget to Latch something or make the crew feel rushed , I would still hear about it weeks later.

Just remember we are not as important as we think we are,., and move on. No one will care how slow or fast you are even if you think they do.