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For real, you can go be an airline pilot for a short career if you're young and MAKE BANK to set you up for the rest of life.

THEN, use a small bit of money you made to get a helicopter license and fly all you want.  Either buy a helicopter because of the money you made or there will ALWAYS be helicopter jobs for low timers who don't pay crap and you'll have all the money in the world to make up for the crap pay.

Nobody ever shares considering doing that because the airlines weren't hiring like they are now.  You can be at a LCC or Major in WAY less than 5 years if you go in laser focused.  


I'm in my 40's and planning to do the jump myself.  It's TOTALLY worth the money for financial security when you don't have a government pension (which, if you're young: those are all going away... VERY few industries or government jobs will have them in 10-20 years). 

There are all new life perspectives when you're older that you have no idea about and if you don't have a wealthy family to help you out, some other great financial start in life, no family land to live on, or you just didn't do the absolute best with your money when you were younger you'd be crazy to not at least TRY to see if this opportunity will work for you.  Don't miss it.