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First Good Luck. Second have a positive attitude and convey that on your resume. If you send a 1 page resume to a company make sure you are sending a cover letter. In the cover letter ask or state that you would like to visit the company or meet with someone. You can spend your own money to visit the company in person and drop your resume off.

You can talk all about the military just realize those you are talking to may not have been in the military so in some ways the talk is something they are not familiar. Ask those you talk to about their experience or ask them how to get into their line of work. You want to fly long line then go get a long line rating. You want to fly fighting fires? Then go find the people fighting those fires and ask them in person how to get into it? Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. 

Finally, have thick skin. If someone says no today they may say yes to you tomorrow. If you are likeable and dependable that may be half the battle.