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Yup, all true statements above.  YES, the 130 can maintain control in all headings and wind velocities (in terms of ability).  But also, YES, it sucks at doing it effectively. I flew it for a year and hated it. 

It's SLOW to react to pedal movements and takes twice the amount of input compared to anything else (I've flown the 206 series, 407, 530, and EC145).  What takes 1/2" of pedal movement takes a MINIMUM of 1-2" (or more) and there's a distinct 0.5 to 2 second lag before it bites.  There is zero instant tail rotor authority like in a 407 or 530. 

Couple that with the most wobbly cyclic known to man (squirrely-est helicopter I ever flew) and you have a very frustrating helicopter to fly.  Looks sexy but it's not a pilot's helicopter.  Especially having the only pilot seat option on the left side. 

Aerospatial/Eurocopter/Airbus makes stupid decisions in design.  Only thing I liked about it was the visibility and the 30 second cool-down.