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All Helicopters Minimum Experience Flying Hours
Total Time .....................................................................................................................1,500

Pilot–in-command hours:
Total Pilot-in Command (Helicopter) ..........................................................................1,500</em>
Helicopter, Preceding 12 months…… .....................................................................…100**
Weight Class ..............................................................................................................100***
Make and Model ..............................................................................................................50*
Make, Model, Series, Last 12-Months ...............................................................................10
Turbine Helicopter ...........................................................................................................100
*Flight hour requirements may be reduced by 50% if the pilot holds a type rating for the helicopter or submits evidence of satisfactory completion of training in the make and model from a certificated 14 CFR Part 141 pilot school, or a certificated 14 CFR Part 142 training center, or a 14 CFR Part 135 pilot training program.
**The 100-hr requirement may be alternatively met under the following conditions:
annual 25-hr PIC and a USFS competency flight review.
***Weight class is defined as:
Small aircraft – aircraft of 12,500 or less, maximum certificated takeoff weight
Large aircraft – aircraft of more than 12,500 pounds, maximum takeoff weight

Additional Special Mission Requirements:
Contract Pilot-in-Command – (as related to the applicable Special Mission approval):
Minimum Experience Flying Hours:
Mountain Flying………………………&hellip;………………………&hellip;……………………….200**
Mountain Flying Experience – Make and Model ........................................................ 10
Vertical Reference (VTR) Experience ......................................................................... 10*
*Mandatory to obtain long-line special-use mission approval.
**Mountain Flying - Helicopter Pilot: 200 hours experience operating helicopters in mountainous terrain identified in 14 CFR 95 Subpart B-Designated Mountainous Area. Experience operating outside the United States may be considered “Mountain Flying” providing it is conducted in mountainous regions defined as 2000 feet above surroundings containing long slopes, deep valleys, and high ridges. Operating includes maneuvering and numerous takeoffs and landings to pinnacles, ridgelines and confined areas.

Depends on type of contract...for fire, all the above would be required. If you meet the hour requirements, and work for a company that has a contract, they can arrange for you to take an evaluation ride with DOI or USFS to get a belongs to the company and not the can't work for a different operator without getting a new card with their name on it.

If you are close on time but lacking in some areas (VTR for example), some companies may train you...just depends on their needs. OJT training possibilities MAY be possible but probably only on Type 1 or Type 2 aircraft...Type 3 just can't afford a seat for a newbie while on contract.