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Yes, even when they don't communicate it!  

I was RTBing one night when the Wx was less than the best.  Still very safe to fly, but overcast and dark.  About 30 minutes from base I asked if the med crew was doing OK.  The medic had been flying for a while and said yeah, no worries.  The RN was pretty new and said, "it looks a little bit 'skosh' out there."  I agreed that it was dark and overcast, then explained that we were about 2500' AGL, I could see plenty of ground lights, close and in the distance, and we were following a well travel highway with plenty of traffic, also providing groun lights.  She never said a word in reply, or even grunted!

After safely landing at the base I asked if anyone had any post flight debrief issues.  The medic said, "nope."  The RN said, "yeah, I have one.  I wanted to land because the weather was too bad and you ignored me!"  ???  "I never heard you say you were uncomfortable and wanted to land."  Her reply was, "I said it looked 'skosh' and you ignored me!"  Excuse me, am (was) I married to your twin sister!?!?!?  

Men may be from Mars and women may be from Venus, but this woman was from the looney bin!  I told her to report it up the chain and filed an offical report via channels.  The Program Director called and wanted my side of the story.  I explained what I saw and heard, and told them to talk with the medic.  That was the last I heard of it.