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At PHI, if you do nothing in the payroll system you get what's in your offer letter.  Clocking in and out daily is for the FAA duty time, not looked at, touched, referenced in any way by payroll.

To get overtime or time off, you submit something and payroll does see that.  That's where the math is to the pilots' advantage.  Your overtime is time and half of one eigthieth of your pay, not one eightyfourth.  So you get a little more. 

Likewise, vacation is docked at less than 12 hours a day, even though everyone knows thats what you're going to miss.

So at PHI, work your schedule and you get exactly what you're offered without submitting anything to anyone.  (Had a guy that quit, HR forgot to drop him, and he kept getting paid even though he didn't show up. )

If you work overtime you get paid a smidge more than time and half.  If you take time off, you get charged less than twelve a day.