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Your starting pay will be in that specific range (not an increase of any percent; that was for existing pilots as stated).  They used to be sticklers for prior "EMS" experience only (and didn't consider military MEDEVAC experience either), but I didn't have either and they still gave me the upper end of the range because of qualifications I negotiated with them as to why I was worth it.

IFR is if your base is IFR.  ATP is if you have it (and you can get ATP from the company at your first annual checkride if you want to put in the work to get it).  Very few bases have COLAs (called "ACRA" or something like that) and/or stipends.  

If you're not hard up for work and/or you've seen the base has had an opening for a while then I'd negotiate right now for an even higher salary.  Heard a rumor they're giving either higher salary or some form of "experience stipdend" but not sure if it's true.  For real; hold out for a month or so by sticking to your guns (and don't believe the "someone else is interested in the job") and they'll probably give. 

The starting pay in this industry sucks and we need more people who are in a position to negotiate harder to do so for all of us.  The former military guys keep screwing us by accepting low wages because they have their retirement and VA disability so they keep accepting low wages.  

Also, ditto on the comment about AMC.  Their standardization seems to be way better regarding training and onboarding.  Heard that from lots of other guys I went through training with.  They were all way more impressed with AMC (and by no means is AMC perfect; it's definitely Area Manager/Region specific).