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"Well since this guys entire lucrative livelihood livlihood is based on clicks, excuse me if Im skeptical of his motivations for rescuing a dead guy that was going to remain dead even after the youtuber/reality show star's selfless heroics. Also, I highly doubt the authorities and family were just going to leave this guy out there in his plane to rot but that wouldn't make for a very exciting youtube video clicked on by morons."

Apparently you did not watch said video.  But before we get to that, are you jealous or bitter of how Dave makes money (i.e. making YouTube videos)?  YouTube is an actual "thing" now.  It has enabled a lot of independent "content creators" to make a *LOT* of money because people watch them (and the ads that accompany the videos) instead of "traditional" TV.  Dave's videos are always well-produced, as professional as anything you'd see on TV, and they're very interesting, at least to me and the other morons (to use your term) who watch them.  He's not your typical TikTok or Instagram "creator" who makes little 7-second reels and thinks he deserves to be rich and famous.  YT may not be around forever, and the amount of revenue per video may diminish over time.  But at the moment it is allowing some people to get very wealthy. Wealthy enough to become a helicopter pilot, buy a Bo105 and then buy a Blackhawk, in Dave's case.  He's pretty passionate about aviation in general and helicopters specifically.

Some YouTube artists (like Jimmy Donaldson aka "Mr. Beast") take the money they make from the platform and do good things with it.  Regardless of Dave Spark's motivation, he does some incredibly good things too.  Like when he got involved in the investigation of a missing (and presumed dead) kid in NW Utah.  One of Dave's friends let him use his Astar during the search - which was not a one-day thing; Dave has spent a lot of time and money, assisting the family over many days.  Again, at no cost to them.  He's helped other people as well. 

In the linked video that started this thread, which you obviously have not watched, the guy crashed his airplane in a National Wilderness Area in Oregon.  He and the wreckage were *not* going to be just left out there to rot.  The feds demanded the the wreckage be removed, but the family of the deceased pilot did not have the $50g's or so it would have cost. If the government removed the wreckage, you can be sure that they would've billed the family right into bankruptcy. The family started a Go-Fund-Me but only raised a small fraction of what it would have taken.  That's where Dave stepped in.  He rounded up a crew and got the airplane out of there - and got the pilot's remains returned to the family - AT NO COST TO THEM.  Did he do it just for the "clicks?"  So what if he did?  It's a great story. I mean, it's not fake or dreamed up just for the camera.  You wouldn't known that if you'd actually watched the video instead of being so skeptical and cynical.

It's funny/sad to me to see people being so negative about someone else just because they're doing something good for society while making money in unconventional ways that others don't approve of.  The YT revenue may eventually evaporate and Dave might have to sell the Blackhawk. Let's hope that never happens. But life is unpredictable.  In the  meantime, Dave Sparks does more good with his money than I...or you...will ever do.  Should we make fun of or disparage him for it?  Why not just watch the video and be proud that there's a helicopter pilot who's out there getting some notoriety for something that's not about crashing and killing himself.  That in itself is remarkable.  Lyn ought to do a story on Dave for his magazine.