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a few of the best comments in other aviation forums: 

"In today's world, no way in hell should an aircraft of any kind be at 5000' without ADSB-out or a transponder, at least. If so, we may as well let people fly drones willy nilly at all atlitudes. This was 50% on the paraglider, and 50% on the FAA for allowing it."


"Judging by picture of left wing with the paramotor cage still lodged into it, the planes left wing struck the paramotor from behind. Paramotor pilot would have never seen the plane coming and most likely would have died on impact."

"According to FlightAware, the Cessna filed to 6,000, but was held at 5,000 initially for traffic. You can hear audio of the Cessna on the LiveATC KTME Feed "KTME-Dec-21-2021-1500Z.mp3". It's a shared feed with other frequencies so some calls appear to be missing, but here are the ones I transcribed:

Houston Approach: Martex 685, Good Morning, radar contact
Houston Approach: 30 direct Victoria when able, Martex 685
MRA685: Approach, Martex 685
Houston Approach: Sorry, who called?
MRA685: Martex 685. I just wanted to confirm you wanted me at 5,000 (for) opposite direction traffic.
Houston Approach: At 5 for now, I'll have higher in just a bit here.
MRA685: Martex 685
Houston Approach: Martex 685, climb and maintain 6,000
Houston Approach: Martex 685, Houston
Houston Approach: Martex 685, Radar Contact Lost
Houston Approach: Martex 685, Houston
Houston Approach: Martex 685, Houston
Houston Approach: Martex 685, Houston Approach