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You've got to be kidding!   


Management gets the union they worked hard to get. Remember-The majority of the pilots has to approve representation in negotiation and then approve the purposed contract. The contract negotiations have to be universal to all pilots, so all pilots have to pay for that. Beck Rights are separate.

You don't have to keep the raises negotiated for all pilots if you have true moral objections to the process. But- I've never seen an anti-union pilot refuse the results of representation, increased pay and benefits, a binding job description. N-E-V-E-R! ever! ever!  Sometimes, once the contract is in place the pilots will vote to remove the union- that, too is their right.

In actual fact, most of the times the individual union representation I provided was requested, it was to previously anti-union pilots. My guess- they weren't really 'team players' until their toes got directly stepped on. You'll wear a target once you step in for another pilot, but you usually earn some respect from management if you do it right- at least in my experience.

Remember- the company has to benefit in the contract negotiation, too.