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I'll give you a good def of Idiocracy.  When you have a pilot come in and complain about a very particular and peculiar problem that only he is experiencing with the autopilot.  Let's has a problem only in 3que and it seems to be collective channel related.  You tell him to verify and besure to check all of the trim rel switches because if one is intermittent it would do just what he is describing.  He comes back and says no, all that seems ok. 


This goes on for weeks....months.  Other pilots fly the aircraft and say it flys better than any other aircraft in the fleet.  I even take a flight with them because he(the problem pilot_)is never around to maintenance fly it and they can't make it fail in such a way that he is having.  It flys perfect they say.  I tell them that's because we've changed every part in the AFCS system for pilot grumpy trying to solve his issue.....of course it's gonna fly perfect, every thing is new like a 10 hour aircraft.


So after wasting hundreds of thousands on expensive actuators and what know what the issue was?

A 3 dollar switch.  Yeah, the collective trigger switch, on the pilot stick....not the copilot stick....not the sugar cube coll trim swith.  It was the 3 dollar switch in his hand....  Turns out if you click it like a F.A.G.G.O.T......instead of a real man, it had a very infrequent tendancy to hang up and not fully release causing a 1kohm -ish resistance when both FCCS were expecting a completely closed condition. 

I ohmed this circuit several times during testing and never once, scratch that.  Once was given a clue when I saw a bad reading.....but could not duplicate the fail 100's after that trying and clicking all switches, to isolate the issue.  I clicked that switch with the other 3 also that the circuit runs thru and never again did it show high resistance again. 


Pilot grumpy can make it happen almost every time he flys. 


How the F do you call yourself a pilot when you are so out of touch with the aircraft that you can't feel a switch in your hand that you have pressed for at least 20 years wrong.  Feels wrong.  Behaves wrong?  And gonna send avionics on a wild goose chase over some BS?  Really bro?


That's idocracy.


A pilot with half a brain would have know, I really feel like the Collective trim rel sw on the stick itself may be hanging feels weird sometimes.

Boom, problem solved in a day or two.

Not months.