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HAA Pilots today would be crying in the corner if they had to take a flight like we did 20 years ago in this industry. They cry an dbarely hack it today and its the safest and easiest flying it has ever been, and only getting easier. 

1) Automation. Autopilots and Stabilization. The machine flys you.

2) GPS. Outside the traffic pattern or your tour route you would be lost without it. We used to only have TDH.

3) NVG's. Try doing this in zero illumination, searchight (nightsun if lucky) in marginal weather, mountainous terrain....You only see that on youtube and Call of Duty.

4) Advanced Weather Reporting. We used to lift and check weather.

5) OCC to check on you and follow your every move

6) "Pre-designated" LZ's everywhere. 

This generatin is spoiled and has everything they need to be safe while their workload is 10x less than it was. There is no reason to be paid as much as we are in this industry. We deserve LESS because we are doing LESS!