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I got my ATP years ago in a Bell 47 when I had about 2000hrs. I'm civilian trained and had the desire to get all my ratings out of the way at a young age. Actually I expected the majority of my co-workers would have ATP's as my carreer progressed, but it's the opposite. The ATP has helped me land a job or two and I seem to get a little more respect going into checkrides. I don't claim to be any smarter than the average pilot but I did learn things that I would not have had I had stopped at the commercial rating. I wish I had the training some of my military co-workers have had, unfortunately I did not qualify for military service. 

The thing I don't understand is that even though companies often say ATP preffered on job postings, it seems very few companies push to get pilots to take ATP test in conjunction with the annual part 135 ride. In fact I don't think I have ever heard of the suggestion from any of the companies I worked for, (to includes Metro, AMC, Med Trans and PHI). In the fixed wing world pilots consider it a must have, why is it not the same for us? With more military pilots going to the airlines there is a shortage or instrument helicopter experience from civilian job applicants. When are the companies going to wake up to the fact that they need to become part of the solution, and offer training for civilian pilots with no actual IMC time? European companies have co-pilot slots for newbies to build on the job training, not so much in the USA.

What has your experience been regarding this?