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I have worked at both union and non union. One where the union was voted in and after that I was sure of my raise every year, twice yearly actual. Before the union raises were every few years when pilots were in short supply and the company had to compete with others. Often the new guy started at higher salary than the guys who had been there for years. I was happy to have a union even though they didn't help me when I was fired in the worng.

Now I work at a non union job and the company controls everything. Company has always treated pilot good but raises are not guarenteed. This last two years has seen an increase in pay and benefits, and management don't fight pilot requests for time off etc since they want to keep all the pilots they have. I'm sure the situation will change again in a few years when pilots are plentiful. 

So pay the 1% for standard raises and a set policy for things like vacation etc, or keep the 1% and be at the mercy of the company. Given the choice I would pay the 1% so I'm sure of what to expect.