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If it were run by people with realistic expectations who want to partner with a company and actually understand that it needs to be a true symbiotic relationship where both entities profit and flourish. Unfortunately every union I have been involved with in this industry attracts the selfish, agenda driven, lazy, non-productive members of the workforce as union leadership. The company/union relationship digresses into a virus vs. host like relationship with the virus like union obsessed with self replicating at all cost with little to no regard to the hosts health and wellbeing. The ultimate failure of the union is the lack of interest and involvement by the majority of the workforce that are hard working good people. I have seen it in my two runs with unions in my career. This allows the vocal minority of sick, lame and lazy bad actor employees to control the union. These hostile, ill equipped for leadership few through their actions portray to the company that they have a hostile workforce as a whole and the workforce is treated accordingly. If you truly want a union, be engaged, be thoughtful, and more importantl, be involved. An as the OP himself put it "us old union guys hanging around" would not be my first, second, or third choice to lead. Look at the track record......