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Sure. On your 7 day hitch, payroll pays your first six shifts as 11.5 hours (accounting for a 30 minute "lunch break" I guess) and the seventh shift is 11 hours (not sure why they short us another half hour on that one except to equal 80 so they've told me, which yeah seems wrong). In theory then, we should be doing like what CVS pharmacies now do across the country--closing for 30 minutes, while we take that lunch break (insert eye roll). They did change the workover thing lay least so anything over your normal 12 is OT, which didn't used to be that way. 
Side note: Know this 11.5/11 hour payroll thing also applies to when you put in for PTO/EML. You should only be taking 11.5 per shift or if you are taking the last day of your hitch off you only need to submit for 11 hours of PTO. Or if taking a partial day, a portion of 11.5 not 12. Payroll should catch it if a pilot puts in for 12 hours, and only actually charge you 11.5, but not necessarily. I helped a guy get back almost 15 hours a few years ago because his previous supervisor had been sending through all his requests overcharging him each time. They can do a correction and give you back if that's the case FYI