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I'm sure some of you remember the old hearing booth, where you sat with your back to the tester. You wore 1940 style ear phones made out of first generation melamine.  They send different frequency tones to one side or the other and you raise your hand on the appropriate side, as soon as you hear it, then lower your hand when it's no longer audible.

So I'm sitting there anxiously waiting and I hear the first tone begin, left side.  I put my left hand up immediately and it stops, hand down.  Then it starts again, same side.  Hand goes up, tone stops, hand down.  The same tone begins again, left hand up, left hand down as it stops.  I'm thinking, I'm nailing it, best start to a hearing test in years. There's the tone, left hand up, then down.   Then silence.  Nothing. I'm waitin.  Now I'm nervous. Was that my range?  That's it?

Then the tester opens the booth door and says, we're about to begin the test, sorry for the delay but she had to answer the telephone.  I turned around to look out the glass and two others waiting to be tested were killing themselves laughing at the start of my hearing test.