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Being long retired, I really don't have a dog in the race but it sounds like the old cranky guys are the ones that are working  and are tired of picking up the slack for the those that won't.  Some times you just have to do what has to be done.

The RFM is really nothing more than a Quasi book of guidelines.  If you knew how aircraft limitations in  the RFM are developed you would be shocked.  Every time you get in a helicopter you are a test pilot.  I don't have enough time or the typing skills to enlighten you.  Do some research, With the advent of computers and newer technology I'm sure it has improved. ( I hope).  Used too be two pilots.  One that could fly and one that could read and write. The pilot flying didn't have to know how to read or write.  Kind of like the airlines are today.

I would rather fly too hot than too cold.  I don't know if ambient temps could ever get hot enough to affect components (other than avionics).  Cold is a different. Metal does funny stuff a real low temps.

I think I have too much time on my hands !!