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Wheels are great when you need them but they do require multiple people and can be a PITA.

1. Safety first.  Did you check all the doors including the walk through doors and ensure they are all properly secured?  Of course size of helo needs to be considered.  If the doors are closed and no FOD to cause damage then refer to step 2.

2. Any legal objections? Does the airport have any restrictions/policies?  If not, refer to step 3. 

3.  What does your boss say?  If there is no set policy, perhaps a discussion is in order.  150' is pretty wide however, some hangars and wall panels may be hanging by the their own rust from so the undue stress may not be the best thing for them.  If he does object why not listen to there side.  It may be a PITA to move, but any delay is now caused by them.  Perhaps a lift cart is in order.  At least that enables you to reduce the evolution to a one man job and satisfies both parties while enforcing rule 1.