//text area name
var textArea = 'myTextarea';
//Have the propmt box turned on by default
var promptOn = true;
//initialise area
function initialiseWebWizRTE(){
//make toolbar the same size
document.getElementById('toolbar').width = parseInt(document.getElementById(textArea).offsetWidth) + 2 + 'px';
//Create toolbar
function WebWizRTEtoolbar(formName){
//Function to turn on or off the prompt box
function PromptMode(selectMode){
if (selectMode.options[selectMode.selectedIndex].value == 0){
promptOn = false;
promptOn = true;
//function to clear area
function clearWebWizRTE(){
if (window.confirm('WARNING: All editor data will be lost!!')){
// Function to add the code for bold italic centre and underline, to the message
function AddMessageCode(code, promptText, InsertText){
if (code != ''){
if (promptOn == true){
insertCode = prompt(promptText + '\n<' + code + '>xxx' + code + '>', InsertText);
if ((insertCode != null) && (insertCode != '')){
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '<' + code + '>' + insertCode + '' + code + '>';
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '<' + code + '>' + code + '>';
// Function to add the font colours, sizes, type to the message
function FontCode(code, endCode) {
if (code != ''){
if (promptOn == true){
insertCode = prompt(' ' + code + '\n<' + code + '>xxx', '');
if ((insertCode != null) && (insertCode != '')){
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '<' + code + '>' + insertCode + '';
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '<' + code + '>';
//Function to add the URL, indent, list, and Email code to the message
function AddCode(code){
//For the URL code
if ((code != '') && (code == 'URL')){
if (promptOn == true){
insertText = prompt('Enter the on screen display text for the Hyperlink', '');
if ((insertText != null) && (insertText != '') && (code == 'URL')){
insertCode = prompt('Enter the URL address to create Hyperlink to', 'http://');
if ((insertCode != null) && (insertCode != '') && (insertCode != 'http://')){
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '' + insertText + '';
else {
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '';
//For the email code
if ((code != '') && (code == 'EMAIL')){
if (promptOn == true){
insertText = prompt('Enter the on screen display text for the email address', '');
if ((insertText != null) && (insertText != '')){
insertCode = prompt('Enter the email address to link to', '');
if ((insertCode != null) && (insertCode != '')){
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '' + insertText + '';
else {
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '';
//For the image code
if ((code != '') && (code == 'IMG')){
if (promptOn == true){
insertCode = prompt('Enter the web address of the image', 'http://');
if ((insertCode != null) && (insertCode != '')){
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '';
else {
document.getElementById("message").value += '';
//For the list code
if ((code != '') && (code == 'LIST')){
if (promptOn == true){
listType = prompt('Type of list \nEnter \'1\' for numbered or leave blank for bulleted', '');
while ((listType != null) && (listType != '') && (listType != '1')) {
listType = prompt('ERROR! Please enter \'1\' for numbered or leave blank for bulleted','');
if (listType != null){
var listItem = '1';
var insertCode = '';
while ((listItem != '') && (listItem != null)) {
listItem = prompt('List item Leave blank to end list','');
if (listItem != '') {
insertCode += '' + listItem + '';
if (listType == '') {
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '';
} else {
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '' + insertCode + '
document.getElementById(textArea).value += '';
//For the indent
if ((code != '') && (code == 'INDENT')){
document.getElementById(textArea).value += ' ';