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Close Stop saying HELOS  +3/-1 Silent Professionals  2/15/2023 8:02:41 PM

Close Clean haircut  +5/-1 OP 2/15/2023 7:58:17 PM

Close Stop saying HELOS  +2/-11 nancy 2/15/2023 7:58:01 PM

Close If you're working as a CFI-H, that makes sense (NT)  +1/-1 Anonymous 2/15/2023 7:35:10 PM

Close Tennessee National Guard Blackhawk down  +0/-0 A Ring doorbell 2/15/2023 7:30:59 PM

Close Phi health mechanics,,,,,, (NT)  +0/-0 pilot sign on bonus 50K, mechs 15K 2/15/2023 7:15:26 PM

Close Tennessee National Guard Blackhawk down  +0/-0 Havoc 2/15/2023 7:08:17 PM

Close Paradise helicopters  +1/-0 seems like it would be  2/15/2023 7:07:51 PM

Close Paradise helicopters  +1/-0 I heard  2/15/2023 6:59:57 PM

Close Phi health mechanics,,,,,,  +0/-0 BS 2/15/2023 6:52:47 PM

Close Phi health mechanics,,,,,,  +0/-0 BS 2/15/2023 6:51:36 PM

Close Clean haircut (NT)  +15/-2 and cover up the stupid tattoos 2/15/2023 6:47:05 PM

Close Clean haircut  +6/-4 Retired Professional 2/15/2023 6:39:28 PM

Close Clean haircut  +5/-1 Anonymous 2/15/2023 6:39:21 PM

Close Clean haircut  +11/-3 Should all pilots 2/15/2023 6:24:14 PM

Close UH-60’s North of the Border  +3/-1   Concerned Standard Category  2/15/2023 5:17:18 PM

Close Flying in Crocs  +0/-1 Bro  2/15/2023 5:07:09 PM

Close Volusia County Sheriff Aviation Dept.  +4/-0 Heli Pilot 2/15/2023 4:36:20 PM

Close Flying in Crocs  +0/-2 cheap 2/15/2023 4:23:39 PM

Close Paradise helicopters  +2/-1 cheap 2/15/2023 4:17:19 PM

Close Paradise helicopters  +0/-6 moke 2/15/2023 4:04:36 PM

Close Phi health mechanics,,,,,,  +2/-1 I told you, it’s starting 5/2 schedule 2/15/2023 4:00:54 PM

Close Flying in Crocs  +3/-2 roasted 2/15/2023 3:45:18 PM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +2/-2 :-) 2/15/2023 2:27:44 PM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +0/-0 Update disregard  2/15/2023 2:11:16 PM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +0/-1 Spruce Creek Fly In KDAB 2/15/2023 2:06:36 PM

Close Flying in Crocs  +3/-2 croc blocker 2/15/2023 2:02:05 PM

Close CoPilots? Any advice?  +8/-0 No more utility for me 2/15/2023 1:57:52 PM

Close CoPilots? Any advice?  +3/-0   X. Perients 2/15/2023 1:35:34 PM

Close Flying in Crocs  +10/-2   BigT 2/15/2023 1:27:45 PM

Close Volusia County Sheriff Aviation Dept.  +3/-1 Volusia county represent! 2/15/2023 1:03:01 PM

Close Best W&B app  +0/-1 Bucket Boy 2/15/2023 12:40:54 PM

Close The Temp pilot assumes the risk.  +0/-0 You are so entitled  2/15/2023 12:29:38 PM

Close Flying in Crocs  +4/-7 Adequate protection 2/15/2023 12:02:00 PM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +3/-1 no there are no AME's 2/15/2023 11:59:33 AM

Close Is "because I'm not comfortable flying with them"  +0/-0 try it 2/15/2023 11:56:37 AM

Close CoPilots? Any advice?  +1/-1 If you 2/15/2023 11:53:05 AM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +0/-4 what 2/15/2023 11:52:24 AM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +0/-2 welcome to the world 2/15/2023 11:45:48 AM

Close CoPilots? Any advice?  +2/-2 :-) 2/15/2023 11:45:07 AM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +4/-1 :-) 2/15/2023 11:44:11 AM

Close CoPilots? Any advice?  +0/-5 Curious 2/15/2023 11:42:50 AM

Close FAA medical branch needs new people  +6/-4 BS 2/15/2023 11:26:25 AM

Close Is "because I'm not comfortable flying with them" (NT)  +0/-0 a real reason?  2/15/2023 11:08:27 AM

Close Getting warm grasshopper  +0/-0 yes 2/15/2023 9:53:45 AM

Close Volusia County Sheriff Aviation Dept.  +3/-1 OP 2/15/2023 9:03:21 AM

Close Once age 60, then 65, proposed 67  +0/-0 cheap 2/15/2023 8:51:12 AM

Close Boston MedFlight - Unionize EMTs vs Pilots  +0/-0 Pete's Pirates 2/15/2023 8:48:37 AM

Close R44 Hoist Ops  +0/-2 cheap 2/15/2023 8:42:17 AM

Close Getting warm grasshopper  +0/-0 76/92 driver 2/15/2023 8:22:08 AM

Close Volusia County Sheriff Aviation Dept.  +7/-1 Former VCSO  2/15/2023 7:48:27 AM

Close Volusia County Sheriff Aviation Dept.  +1/-1 Any Info? 2/15/2023 5:39:13 AM

Close Yep, lead best friends with the DO. They go (NT)  +3/-0 way back, can’t do no wrong. 2/15/2023 12:34:21 AM

Close Say a pilot goes out on a medical LOA a fall where he hit his head hard.  +0/-0 moderate closed head injury..... 2/15/2023 12:07:14 AM

Close can a pilot refuse to fly with a nurse or medic??  +0/-0 Sure 2/14/2023 7:50:13 PM

Close R44 Hoist Ops  +5/-2 Anonymous 2/14/2023 6:30:13 PM

Close R44 Hoist Ops  +1/-1 Troller 2/14/2023 6:13:00 PM

Close R44 Hoist Ops  +1/-3 OP 2/14/2023 5:32:34 PM

Close R44 Hoist Ops  +2/-1 BigT 2/14/2023 5:27:32 PM

Close So wrong on so many levels  +0/-0 On every point  2/14/2023 4:54:54 PM

Close R44 Hoist Ops  +5/-2 You could 2/14/2023 4:37:19 PM

Close R44 Hoist Ops  +1/-4 Innovator  2/14/2023 4:29:39 PM

Close Scottsdale FSDO  +0/-1 have you tried calling 2/14/2023 4:00:55 PM

Close Scottsdale FSDO  +0/-1 bottom of the barrel 2/14/2023 3:59:36 PM

Close Boston MedFlight - Unionize EMTs vs Pilots  +0/-1 I hauled a BK blade in a chevy van 2/14/2023 3:16:45 PM

Close Also the same people that eliminated small pox (NT)  +1/-0 and polio...just sayin. 2/14/2023 2:42:28 PM

Close Sidewinder info  +1/-0 Anonymous 2/14/2023 11:49:59 AM

Close Not a vaccine post  +3/-2 :-) 2/14/2023 10:45:53 AM

Close freedom is an illusion  +1/-0 it could be said that it's a relative 2/14/2023 10:38:19 AM

Close USFS Contracts  +0/-1 gringo 2/14/2023 9:23:23 AM

Close Creative Crew Rest Pro Tip  +0/-5 Part 135 2/14/2023 9:11:32 AM

Close Anyone flying near the chemical disaster?  +1/-1   Anonymous 2/14/2023 3:43:29 AM

Close continuing.....  +0/-0 Anonymous 2/14/2023 2:28:21 AM

Close That was a give away from 3 years protection for legitimate (NT)  +0/-1 medical/disability. 2/14/2023 2:11:54 AM

Close Not a vaccine post  +2/-6 Hey guys 2/14/2023 12:59:24 AM

Close UFO  +2/-2 Tinfoil cowboy hat 2/13/2023 11:50:13 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +2/-1 :-) 2/13/2023 9:07:57 PM

Close About...  +0/-0 Pecos Bill 2/13/2023 8:46:25 PM

Close 1.72 million  +0/-0 Moving to a PHI area for grandkids. 2/13/2023 8:37:20 PM

Close Does Med Trans or GMR even  +0/-0 Yes they do. 2/13/2023 8:18:39 PM

Close USFS Contracts  +0/-0 You’re  2/13/2023 7:30:01 PM

Close Anyone flying near the chemical disaster?  +2/-2 cheap 2/13/2023 7:29:50 PM

Close USFS Contracts  +0/-0 Circus 2/13/2023 6:52:09 PM

Close UFO  +0/-1 Chinese? 2/13/2023 6:04:08 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +3/-1 Anonymous 2/13/2023 5:44:08 PM

Close That story is over 25 years old  +0/-0 I heard 2/13/2023 5:42:17 PM

Close After 1 year the Temp position becomes the Temp pilots and  +0/-0 You only get your old base back if 2/13/2023 5:40:44 PM

Close That story is over 25 years old  +0/-0 Anonymous 2/13/2023 5:31:05 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +2/-2 Not unknown 2/13/2023 5:26:25 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +0/-0 :-) 2/13/2023 4:32:40 PM

Close MedTrans crashed a helicopter yesterday.  +0/-0 Naah 2/13/2023 4:28:06 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +1/-1 link 2/13/2023 3:46:10 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +0/-0 :-) 2/13/2023 3:41:04 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +2/-1 Ahhh yes 2/13/2023 3:40:39 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +5/-1 Haha 2/13/2023 3:26:34 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +5/-0 :-) 2/13/2023 2:58:24 PM

Close EU Vaccine statement  +9/-3   Negatives 2/13/2023 1:47:17 PM

Close Anyone flying near the chemical disaster?  +3/-1 BigT 2/13/2023 1:38:01 PM

Close Anyone flying near the chemical disaster?  +1/-1 Retired 2/13/2023 1:23:07 PM

Close Boston MedFlight - Unionize EMTs vs Pilots  +0/-0 Teamsters 2/13/2023 12:17:16 PM

Close Anyone flying near the chemical disaster?  +0/-0 Va pilot 2/13/2023 11:27:24 AM

Close freedom is an illusion  +0/-2 Anonymous 2/13/2023 10:34:52 AM

Close EMS Pilot Preflight  +0/-0 Lesternixon 2/13/2023 9:56:23 AM

Close for international ops, not domestic. which is why ALPA opposes it  +0/-2 (their thinking b4 vast shortages) 2/13/2023 8:44:45 AM

Close why are you "trying" to get appointments w/ the FSDO and how (NT)  +0/-1 If someone doesn’t  2/13/2023 8:39:24 AM

Close why are you "trying" to get appointments w/ the FSDO and how  +1/-0 many times do U need one anyways? 2/13/2023 8:24:58 AM

Close Scottsdale FSDO  +1/-2 Just Another Helicopter Pilot 2/12/2023 4:58:03 PM

Close Boston MedFlight - Unionize EMTs vs Pilots  +2/-1 Uuue 2/12/2023 12:58:14 PM

Close Once age 65 and 59 or less  +2/-0 PT121 2/12/2023 12:53:47 PM

Close blame Microsoft/Google. they take dictation and type (NT)  +0/-0 it. brw, typos are not spelling problems 2/12/2023 12:27:41 PM

Close We get it, you’re old! Should have made better choices if you (NT)  +3/-2 HAVE to still work., 2/12/2023 11:11:20 AM

Close Standing with your walker (NT)  +0/-0 See you everyday 2/12/2023 11:04:10 AM

Close Must be the Alzheimer’s kicking in at his age (NT)  +0/-0 Proving our point old man 2/12/2023 11:03:29 AM

Close Can’t take you seriously. It’s spelled “your” (NT)  +0/-0 Learn the difference  2/12/2023 11:02:44 AM

Close Once age 60, then 65, proposed 67  +8/-2 Depends 2/12/2023 10:16:09 AM

Close Just what I thought (NT)  +0/-0 Another bubblegum chewer  2/12/2023 8:17:05 AM

Close Once age 60, then 65, proposed 67  +1/-2 ChatGPT trainer 2/12/2023 12:55:28 AM

Close You're not familiar with the concept of standing, are you? (NT)  +0/-1 someone will have standing though! 2/12/2023 12:36:29 AM

Close Yeah, that makes sense, cept the issue is union gave away 3 year protection  +0/-1 (& might trade it away again to 6 mos) 2/11/2023 11:43:07 PM

Close Oh look, even more real science! Age is not a factor!  +3/-1 (unless you're trying to blow smoke) 2/11/2023 9:24:39 PM

Close Another real study: Conclusion, age factor was insignificant!  +4/-1 Show me the science union man! 2/11/2023 9:15:25 PM

Close Look, a real medical journal study showing age limitations based on age are  +4/-1 nothing but pure age discrimination! 2/11/2023 9:08:25 PM

Close Let's try again:  +0/-0 Anonymous 2/11/2023 8:28:15 PM

Close Meant to link this:  +0/-0 Bill in the Senate 2/11/2023 8:26:49 PM

Close Once age 60, then 65, proposed 67  +5/-1 Up and up, all ARBITARY criteria! 2/11/2023 8:26:05 PM

Close Mandatory Retirement Due To Age Criteria - EEOC strongly  +1/-5 urges you to file a complaint! 2/11/2023 7:25:41 PM

Close Not for Part 135 or Part 125. There are no restrictions.  +0/-1 Same pilots from 121 can then.... 2/11/2023 6:50:16 PM

Close Isn't that a representational conflict? Did the NMB resolve the (NT)  +0/-0 representational dispute here first? 2/11/2023 6:38:37 PM

Close Boston MedFlight - Unionize EMTs vs Pilots  +0/-1 Hmm 2/11/2023 6:01:30 PM

Close DOT and FAA support and approve age restrictions. You have (NT)  +1/-0 LOST the argument 2/11/2023 5:34:52 PM

Close Nope. He’s arguing for safety. Weight and age are a factor (NT)  +1/-0 Don’t 121 operators have an max age? 2/11/2023 4:55:40 PM

Close Don’t let a payback training contract hold  +10/-1 You hostage  2/11/2023 4:52:09 PM

Close Not sure how they got around the NMB (RLA) vs NLRB (NLRA) certification, (NT)  +0/-1 but likely because BMF lawyers are inept 2/11/2023 4:40:58 PM

Close Where was it stated there were NO base protections?? Said UNION is giving (NT)  +0/-1 away protections. 3 to 1 is a giveaway! 2/11/2023 4:27:17 PM

Close ^^^^ Moron Alert! ^^^^  +0/-1 ^^^^^^^^^ 2/11/2023 4:20:52 PM

Close So now you're suggesting it's for a Union to break the law if  +0/-1 the member's vote on it? Brilliant!!  2/11/2023 4:12:16 PM

Close Boston MedFlight - Unionize EMTs vs Pilots  +3/-0 good for them 2/11/2023 3:54:24 PM

Close Boston MedFlight - Unionize EMTs vs Pilots  +0/-3 Shadow11 2/11/2023 3:32:31 PM

Close Boston MedFlight-Teamsters  +0/-0 Shadow11 2/11/2023 3:27:05 PM

Close That story is over 25 years old  +0/-0 I think that story 2/11/2023 2:42:16 PM

Close That story is over 25 years old  +0/-2 Ask around 2/11/2023 2:27:55 PM

Close They all tried to get you on the hook for abuse  +0/-0 none have  2/11/2023 2:22:15 PM

Close Wasn’t it approved by the membership through an uncontested vote? (NT)  +1/-0 That’s right…membership rules 2/11/2023 2:07:57 PM

Close Be that guy then! Scared? Exactly (NT)  +1/-0 All talk and troll. No truth 2/11/2023 2:07:14 PM

Close I can also tell you the EEOC is just itching for someone (NT)  +0/-0 to bring a complaint forward too! 2/11/2023 1:36:13 PM

Close you're not going to do my work for me trying to find the case law  +1/-0 you raised & can't cite. I proved it! 2/11/2023 1:33:43 PM

Close Not doing your work for you. You are the one who has issue (NT)  +0/-1 Prove everyone wrong!  2/11/2023 1:16:14 PM

Close On the hook for massive abuse by medcrew  +14/-0 And company policies with a  2/11/2023 11:57:31 AM

Close Sure it will succeed just as well as Motion did for this ELT. (NT)  +4/-1 Erase the C suite and save AMC 2/11/2023 11:57:21 AM

Close cite one or two of the cases then! (NT)  +2/-0 should be easy considering your response 2/11/2023 11:56:31 AM

Close So you DO have base protections…you said you didn’t… (NT)  +2/-0 Lies from within  2/11/2023 11:55:47 AM

Close They all tried to get you on the hook for abuse (NT)  +0/-0 With a training contract  2/11/2023 11:54:54 AM

Close Risk increases with age so I guess it’s actually putting safety above (NT)  +1/-1 Your old arsss feeling s 2/11/2023 11:53:48 AM

Close Whats wrong with drones?  +0/-3 Platt 2/11/2023 11:47:32 AM

Close (No Subject)  +2/-1 What's on my mind 2/11/2023 11:36:17 AM

Close what's "WB first officer". Wannabe?  +0/-1 FW Guy 2/11/2023 10:05:06 AM

Close Got an even better story  +0/-0 your imagination 2/11/2023 8:50:52 AM

Close what's "WB first officer". Wannabe? (NT)  +1/-0 Anonymous 2/11/2023 8:12:54 AM

Close Who is currently offering RTP programs?  +0/-0 QOL 2/11/2023 8:06:54 AM

Close Got an even better story  +0/-0 Sleeping in a 76 2/11/2023 5:37:37 AM

Close Before, 3 year base protection. Now, with union's help, 1 year! (NT)  +0/-1 Working with facts, not fables 2/11/2023 12:41:15 AM

Close can a pilot refuse to fly with a nurse or medic??  +4/-0 :-) 2/10/2023 10:41:42 PM

Close Helmets (NT)  +0/-1 SLC/ATL 2/10/2023 9:54:25 PM

Close Helmets  +0/-0 Helmet  2/10/2023 9:52:57 PM

Close Helmets  +0/-0 Helmet  2/10/2023 9:50:56 PM

Close can a pilot refuse to fly with a nurse or medic?? (NT)  +3/-1 lots need to be "retired" too! 2/10/2023 8:48:25 PM

Close so does a Steinway (NT)  +0/-1 Anonymous 2/10/2023 8:40:28 PM

Close Oh great, more GMR 407s  +0/-0 tell me more about 2/10/2023 8:14:59 PM

Close and yet another example of the union hurting its members (NT)  +0/-1 based on ZERO research too! 2/10/2023 8:11:33 PM

Close Maximum Age Limit  +4/-0 Except 2/10/2023 7:58:02 PM

Close Lackeys  +2/-1 :-) 2/10/2023 7:44:38 PM

Close Base closures  +1/-1 Samathian 2/10/2023 7:27:00 PM

Close AMC is 70. Should be less. 65 at the oldest and  +2/-2 Older 2/10/2023 7:23:24 PM

Close Oh great, more GMR 407s  +0/-0 I bet  2/10/2023 7:07:17 PM

Close as it should be! (NT)  +0/-1 Anonymous 2/10/2023 6:54:08 PM

Close The airlines will be up to 70 in a little while. (NT)  +0/-1 Anonymous 2/10/2023 6:53:21 PM

Close A169 job add?  +1/-0 Model Y Guy 2/10/2023 6:13:33 PM

Close What kind of schedule are you guys working?  +0/-0 pilot 2/10/2023 5:37:17 PM

Close Co workers left for Airlines  +0/-0 mech 2/10/2023 5:25:54 PM

Close Maximum Age Limit  +3/-0 GMR 2/10/2023 4:48:57 PM

Close Oh great, more GMR 407s  +0/-0 Anonymous 2/10/2023 4:41:06 PM

Close AMC is 70. Should be less. 65 at the oldest and (NT)  +2/-3 30 at the youngest  2/10/2023 4:23:25 PM

Close Helmets  +0/-0 Gentex 2/10/2023 4:09:27 PM

Close Lackeys  +1/-3 Corp. 2/10/2023 4:07:40 PM

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