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Message Those 500 hour military "pilots" are not doing anything like precision utility flying and because they have an ego so large that it takes a Black Hawk to lift it they never will. A true long line pilot is a master of a craft. They understand the whole environment they are operating in and how they play a key role in the safe and efficient completion of whatever project they are working on. Oh and typically the really really good ones know they are really really good and don't have to tell anyone how good they are because their reputation precedes them thus they can fly just about any helicopter because they have no ego. Why would you do it you ask? Because it's hard. Because you can always do better. Because the satisfaction of a perfect hook shot or set is a reward all it's own. Because skillful execution and experience makes the crew on the ground safer. Because it's fun (if you have the right attitude). If your attitude is it's not that hard and why would someone want a certain skill or experience level as an entry gate might I suggest you not pursue this career path as I can tell you that you will not enjoy it and in the end just create a bad name for yourself in a tiny industry.