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Got over Covid around 4 months ago. 42 / M. I started having some strange chest pains, thought nothing of it. As all us EMS pilots do from time to time, I was watching a movie and started to have strange fluttering in chest. FN hooked leads up. AFib. Went to ER. AFib, did some tests. Ran me thru Cardiac MRI, turns out scar tissue on heart. Have been steadily going downhill since, strange vision issues as well as neurological symptoms. Even stood up one day out of bed and went lights out. On leave now, and looks like careers over As of now, but it's not looking like I'll be able to keep a medical any longer. Not sure what this is from, either Covid, or the Vaccines, but I've been 100% healthy prior. 

just a PSA, if anyone is having some strange symptoms, take them seriously.