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There's much truth in what you say.

I'm ex British Army (8yrs), came here in the mid 90's to get my licenses and never left. So I'm civilian trained but with a military background and I can remember in those early years considering returning to the UK and transfering my licenses. I had since married an American, incase you're wondering. I can remember sending my resume to a couple of companies and receiving a reply, I think it was Bristow. It was very short and to the point, thanking me for my inquiry and suggesting that I really don't have enough flight time or the authorization to work in the UK.

Funny, here's me, definitely a Brit, recently having served my country for several years, being told by some twat that I couldn't be considered because I'm not able to work there. Needless to say, I've never once had the desire to return and fly in the UK. It was probably some ex AAC or RAF pilot full of his own self importance and prejudices and couldn't be bothered to take a good look at my resume. 

We can be wankers sometimes.