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National Pool Pilot: Generally used to cover a base with a long term shortage. Week on/week off.  Repeat until pilot shortage is fixed(new hire finishes training). You then move to the next base with a shortage, rinse and repeat. You are controlled by a scheduler in Denver. They try to keep you in the area you live, but you go where the openings are. Expect to travel on your days off .

Regional Relief pilot: These positions are posted every once in awhile. Cover shortages within a specific region. Some times week on/week off. Sometimes 3 days here, 2 days there, etc. No set schedule.  I worked this position. I worked with managers and leads to get a 7/7 schedule but it didn't always work. Many a month I'd work 5 shifts at a base, did a travel day, then worked 7 shifts at another base. Took a week off, repeat.

Most people take these jobs to get their foot in the door, then move on to a base pilot position. Good luck.