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My two cents...


Both are nice, I find the Alpha the easiest to get comfortable consistantly. The ability to make adjustments quickly and easily every time you put it on is nice. Using it with NVG's I didn't necessarily like. I found it to hold the NVG's away from my face further than I would have liked, and it's a bit flemsy. The mounting system is a little funky and by all things HOLY do not manipulate the visors when you have the NVG mount installed if you have gentex pins on it. Say bye bye to your outer lens if you do. I also found the Alpha to be quite bulky and I found myself always hitting my head on things, especially back when I was slinging. Always moving your head inand out of the door I always had to kink my head in a weird way to get it to fit, which is why I bought the Gallet.

The Gallet I find to be significantly more comfortable..... WHEN it is adjusted right. However, getting the adjustment right is a pain in the @ $$. Everything can only be adjusted by velcro which leads to a lot of putting it on, taking it off, adjusting, putting it on, taking it off, adjusting. Etc... The noise reduction seems to be better in the Gallet also which makes sense given the design. It is also quite a bit less bulky. With the NVG's I find it to be quite a bit more solid and you don't have to worry about scrating the ever living *bleep* out of your visors. Another one of our pilots just got a Gallet with the Boise, with leather cups installed and MAN THAT THING IS NICE! feels like a cloud is hugging your head. I think if I purchase another helmet I'll probably go for that option.

The SPH-5 I used to have, honestly was probably the best compromise between fit and function. However the weight was pretty unbareable at times.

I would say if you have the ability to borrow some peoples, try out a couple different ones and see what works best for you. Just putting them on isn't really enough though, you need to really wear it for a couple hours with the NVG's on to really get a feel for them and then you can decide.