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Notice, in Example B for various climbout airspeeds, above 10ft max hover ht, all the airspeeds converge at about 25 kts.  The 10, 15, 20 all merge into the 25 airspeed line!

Because that is Vx to clear an obstacle.


Even if you have a max hover height of 25 ft, to clear a 25ft obstacle demands need about 360ft to clear the obstacle.   You will wind up in the trees if you fly slower than that calculated Vx

Speaking of aerodynamics....  when you hover, does it demand more power to maintain AGL at 0 KIAS or at 10KIAS?   How about 15KIAS?   When does the power required to maintain a hover decrease??  ETL!   Is ETL ever 0?   Nope.  What happens if you pull into a HOGE and accelerate with a fixed power setting??  You lose altitude!  

HAA operators demand you have HOGE +10% TQ.   That's a luxury.   But, your better performance is some airspeed above 0 to clear an obstacle!  And, all the performance charts back that up!  They might not call it Vx, but that's what it is!