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Was going through a background check with one of the smaller HAA operators in Tx. Using third party operations to complete the process, a request for verification was sent to my present employer as well as several others. I was immediately notified by HR of this request and agreed for them to provide this information.   She was even kind enough to send me a copy of this completed request, showing very favorable info. 10 minutes later another email from the same email address was sent to HR containing a bank account number and routing info claiming to be sent from me, requesting my direct deposit info be set up with the new enclosed account info. It was clear to me this was happening when HR sent me a blank direct deposit request form asking me to properly fill out with new account info as per protocol. Not having requested for a change in my info, an investigation was immediatly opened looking into this "Background checks" company.  And shortly after, followed denial by the HAA operator to continue my hiring process because of my background with no explanation. A first for me in 30 years in this business. Coincidental? Maybe, but considering the email domain was the same, I have a tendency to think not.


What is the point of this long soliloquy? Don't always assume all that info you are surrendering to a background investigation company is in good hands.  Also, spare the "someone is angry because they didn't  get the job" BS. In the long run, things worked out quite better. Just thought my fellow brethren should be aware. Safe flights..