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I would label riskier flights as flights right at the margin of legal. Or perhaps even lower. A scenario where they are flying and see conditions are actually lower than reported but the pilot keeps going because with "experience" that pilot thinks it could get done because he or she has flown in worse before. That would certainly add more flights and more revenue if successful.

If a new pilot has higher personal minimums and are not flying flights that others deem acceptable, someone better ask why. Are they not being provided the tools to safely do it, have they not been adequately trained, or is there a fear that needs to be addressed to be able to fly within the expected, safe envelope? Either way, it won't take thousands of hours of experience to get them trained to the expected standard.

Additionally, I know many lower hour pilots who can fly circles around "experienced" pilots and many experienced pilots have much higher personal minimums than the average pilot. So experience does not necessarily mean increased revenue.    

Regarding my experience, I will just say I have most likely flown more hours in horrible conditions than most on this board. I have also trained many inexperienced pilots to become comfortable flying safely in those same conditions. But that is long in my rearview mirror.