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Think Teamsters or IAM if you want your money to go directly to the HQ, which has direct control over the expenditures of a multi-industry Local. OPEIU Aviation Locals, both in the US and Canada, are strictly aviation-oriented.

  • Local 102 covers training pilots at Ft Rucker (now Ft. Novosel)
  • Local 108 has multiple contracts, but they are all aviation.
  • Local 109 covers AMC Line Pilots only.

Anyone considering organizing should understand the facts:

  • OPEIU had the first helicopter pilot union in the US. Local 107 *
  • OPEIU had the first helicopter mechanic union in the US. Local 407 *
  • Under the Railway Labor Act, organizing aviation workers is a "wall-to-wall" effort. That means every pilot, nurse, mechanic, or any other worker designated by the Federal Government as an aviation worker is considered part of the "Craft or Class" regardless of work location or state. Airline pilots, mechanics, flight crew, etc, are much more centrally located than helicopter pilots or mechanics scattered across multiple bases, usually with only three or four people on shift at one time.


* Members of Locals 107 and 407 decided to take a severance package of up to an additional 26 pay periods on top of the contractual severance, which amounted to over $12 million dollars rather than work for the new employer. Most went to work the next day at one of the many competitors.