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The IAM is the largest aerospace union in the country. We assign each group a full time bussiness rep, but yes the workers are the union. Your bussiness rep doesnt work there so you kind of have to tell him what you want. You nominate and elect your stewards and committee, your business rep does what they ask of him. We have United, American, hawaiian, jet blue, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, M1 support, Amentum, Vertex, PAE, etc etc. There is a reason we are the largest in aerospace and defense, we arent the union you order from Yes we said you need to do this yourselves, and we will assist, no one is trying to sell you a bill of goods here. you either want the ability to negotiate with one of the mostb powerful labor organizations in the country sitting with your group, or you can keep getting bent over by the Helicopter Industry's "walmart" 

Our contracts make news headlines, google "IAMAW Contract" 

Ill tell you right now, we dont play with that 51% bs either, we dont have majority support, we drop your group and you can go right back to getting the big PHI shaft. We are a full service organization and it dont run on rainbows and gum drop smiles... We dont allow free loaders to leech off our membership. we will have a majority membership or you will not have a union, period. We arent here to coddle you, or tip toe around your feelers, you want to fix this sh$t$how? lets get it! You good with what you got? ok cool, thats a problem you gotta live with.