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So I had to take a non-flying job during a medical grounding and was shocked to go from crappy HAA pay of $76K to over $110K in an admin job.  What a difference.  Single income family with a few kids and it was like a breath of fresh air.  No stressing over bills, freedom to purchase some needed important things intsead of costantly putting them off.  Getting at least $10K bonus here shortly too.  Yes, I feel the need to get a hobby since the job isn't as stimulating, but having cash to save more for retirement and enjoy doing things as a family is pretty awesome. 

Had some time to dwell on it and pretty frustrated that a 20 years helicopter career led me here (yes, I'm unwilling to live in the GOM region for a gas taxi job, in a middle of a big city to fly corporate, or spend half the year away to do a myriad of other travel jobs that do pay well but never see my wife/kids).  

Yes, lots of cool stories in my career.  Yes it was my choice to do what I loved.  Yes it is my choice to actually stay here.  

Frustrated that a 20 year career sees the same pay that A TON of starting salaries are for pretty much no-skill jobs (or jobs that will teach you everything you need to do pretty quickly).  Facilities manager, HVAC repair, truck driver, lots of admin jobs, lots of IT jobs that take almost no training, warehouse work.  For real, get on Indeed, ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn and look around.

It's almost insulting... especially in today's economy.  And I do know that HAA starting pay is in the low-mid $80's now.  And, yes, there are other helicopter jobs out there besides HAA.  HAA is just the most prevalent job all across the country no matter where you live.

I consistently have people shocked when I tell them I wouldn't go back becasue I get paid better now.  

Hats off to you that have stayed in a helicopter job long enough to get senior pay, have a specific location that gives IFR/COLA/etc that takes you over $100K, etc. or have some other financial situation to be able to afford to continue doing what you love.

For those sitting on the fence to try something else, it's worth it.