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After taking pictures inside, he goes out to his car on the street several houses away, pulls out a drone from his trunk and starts flying it from the middle of the street with traffic passing him.  He had no concern for their prescence.   He then starts hovering about 10 feet in the middle of the road to get picturs of the front of the house, climbs high, moves all aound the place quite a distance away to get those aerial views.   But, he never looks up, only down at his controller device (tablet).   Then, he maneuvers the thing to the backside of the house and well out of line-of-sight view.  Getting tired of standing, he then goes into his car and sits inside the vehicle not even looking out the windows.

Bet he wasn't "certificated" and his drone registration not in compliance.

The FAA opened up a huge can of worms for aviation safety by not strictly regulating these things!