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the fundamental problem of Mechanic shortage due to "no one cares."


U dig deep enough you always find the root of the problem.


P u s s y.


Not calling you that.


Just Stating the root cause.


If the average joe can't get laid, then he ain't gonna try harder.  And that's the bottom line.


Right now the US and the west has an epidemic of unrealized, soon to come home to roost, failure baked in.


Marriage rates are plummeting.


Droves of Young men are giving up because they would rather sit in mommy's basement and twitch stream game play of Dota 2 than get a real job and provide for a ungrateful spiteful woman who will just take half of his $#!t anyway.


No one gets in the garage to help dad fix the pickup anymore, because dad ain't around.  He's off banging the next generation of hoes up and coming because mom is an absolute horror to be around.  And besides he's got a brand new f250 anyway cuz he's and offshore sat diver.


No helpers to help dad fix the car, = no helicopter mechanics in the future.


I wanted the biggest loudest stereo in my boom truck when I was in highschool.  Why?  Cuz the chicks dig it and it got me laid.

I took that fundamental electronics knowledge and the AF trained me to work on Avionics.  I've been doing avionics $#!t since I was 17....because I could use those skills to make cash and chicks only f dudes with money.

That ain't happening anymore.  And the birthrate is proof.

You can't outsource good Mechanics, or Techs.  And no Union is gonna Instantly make all the lil hoes on Only hoes quit pining over Chad and start considering the lil nerdy dude on the geek squad down at best buy to start a fam with.


My Aunt at the Thanksgiving dinner table says to me "I got someone I want to fix you up with"  And I was like, no thanks.  I wanna retire in 2 more years at 50 and don't need no more Alpha widows looking for a beta bob to bail them out, helping me squander my saved up cash.  I got just enough for me and no one else when I exit this rat race.


So put all that in your pipe and smoke it.