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I served and did what I was asked to do. I was fortunate.  Some weren't.  When we signed up there were promises made but not keep. Some needed help that didn't get it.  I don't think most vets my age (old) really give a rip about the hero worship, but it is rankling to see all the bennies the public is giving first responders and newer generation vets.  When we came home we were told to change into our civvies so we didn't get spat on in the airport and the only way to get Agent Orange benefits was to die.  It was worse for the Korean war Vets.

The good that is coming out of today's public support is positive in the sense that the public is finally appreciating what the vets have done for this country.  Some paid a very high price and some the ultimate price.  A Simple "Thank You" does not cost anything .