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Every base I have been at is an example of what not to have in a hangar.   Don't worry about the pool table.

Is the door big enough for the helicopter?  Will it open when it is windy (bi fold limits are 26 kts)?  Is it automatic or will you have to push it open yourself?  Is it heated?  Does it double as a bird sanctuary?  If you share a hangar, are they responsible or will they break the door, block the door, whine incessantly that you act like a commercial operation etc.?  Are you blowing dust on their C150 that hasn't flown in 3 years? Do you have your own fuel tank next to the helipad or will you have to fuel on other side of the field, you know, where they park the ultralights?  Have your office on the botton floor so you can go fly in a timely manner and have a bathroom on same floor.  Dont build a windowless mechanic office with zero vents for heating and A/C.  Don't build a windowless pilot office next to it with a vent openings installed, but not attached to anything.  Don't put the kitchen in the crew sleeping quarters.  If office is trailer, put the insulation between the pipes and outside wall so they dont freeze in 31.8 degree F weather.  Feed the feral cat.  If the wimpy medic is allergic to cats, keep the cat, get rid of the medic.  Do you have snow removal or is it you?  If you have to tow it thru the snow, don't get the smallest possible wheels for your lowest profile dolly.  That is but a few ideas.