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Let's see who's the single most valuable asset to the Helicopter company.

I'll make a random list and you guys rank them in order of who you feel is most important based on value to the company.


1.Line pilot--All think they are most Important, but everyone knows they are found a dime a dozen in the gutters of NO

2. A&P Mech

3. CEO

4. I.T.--Heros in their own minds.  Think they run the co.  Secretly hated by everyone in the company.

5. Mx Training instructor

6. Janitor

7. Parts person

8. Ops training instructor

9. Dispatch

10. Comm Center

11 average Jr. Avionics tech/installer

12 Sr.20+ year Avionics Guru.  That guy everyone looks to when the $#!+ has been broke forever and they are at their wits end and have to call him for a bail out.  He's been to every school.  Has every book known to man on aircraft systems since 1950 jammed up in his locker with the spider webs that he never needs to read because it's all been processed and locked away in that massive brain of his.  He knows exactly where to find obscure parts in his scroung of secret hidden bits.  Keeps a back up file of every weird job fix he was ever called out to correct over his entire career just as an archive for future reference.  Never needs to follow the trouble tree in the Mx manual because his own path of troubleshooting comes so natural to him like a river to the sea, and it's usually 10x quicker to the root fault of the problem any way.  Has often come behind others who spent weeks troubleshooting a problem only to fix it in 5 minutes.....countless times.  Is the hero of every pilot with an autopilot issue and every mech that needs to use a happy little switch box that he can whip up in 10 seconds that makes the mechs job of adjusting rotor brake puck switches 100x quicker.  Is the heroic crusader against the evil I.T. department who is always trying to make his life miserable by screwing with his work laptop and blocking him from network access but is not afraid to tell them in angry 2 page long emails routinely how they can go f-k themselves and he's been doing their job for them since before IT was even a thing.


The answer is 12.  I'll save you guys the trouble.  Without person 12 the entire company would implode.