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If this is a ems 76 you are complaining about, it's gonna take a week just to remove all the extra ems crap in the baggage area.


Then an extra 2 weeks to remember and figure out how it all goes back in again. 

The gulf 76's are bad enough, I wouldn't wish a ems equipped 76 on my worst enemy.

Your fault for not sending that thing down to the main hangar in laffy and demand they do the major inspections that will put it down for the least amount of time.....corrosion and all.

If you expect your ems mechs to do a major like that, then you are asking a whole lot of them. 

Something that huge should never be expected of a remote mech with limited resources and limited knowledge.  you are asking, no begging  for trouble.

Depot level mx should happen at the Depot, that's how the military does it, that's how the airlines do it.  Or at least before the airlines found out they could just fly it down to Mexico and have one guy a and p sign all the work done by 50 mexicans under him.  Is that what you want?  Cuz that's what you gonna get.  Send that thing to laffy.  They built it up, they can do the work.