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I get it - you made the best choice, you're living large. I already said you win. Maybe it's not 3x - I'm not sure what an "average" rotor salary is these days, but I have a general idea. And you're right, I'm not home every night (duh). Here's what I do know. 

Next month I will: - fly 1 3-day trip and 2 4-day trips

                           - have 20 days off, of which 12 will be in a row 21 NOV - 2 DEC

                           - fly 6 legs for the month

                           - be gone from home 196 hours 

                           - make $19,173, $509 per diem, and company 401k contribution of $3,259

                           - this is for a slow, winter month schedule. If I wanted to pick up a 3-day during my string of 

                              12 off, I could add around $5,500 to that 19k and the 401k would go to about 4k. Per diem 

                              would also jump up slightly.

So... $22,941 with 20 days off and away just a bit more than a M-F 40-hour cubicle monkey (with a string of 12 days off in a row) or $29,4 ish with only 17 days off. That's from the right seat of a WB. If I jumped to left seat of a NB, that pay would jump 4-5k, but I'd work more days and be gone more.


So maybe not 3 times your average rotor-head, but I'd be willing to bet not too far off.