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"55% of what we fly has no business in a helicopter.  Its all a scam so the hospital can intentionally operate Transport at a loss, in order to receive a massive tax break on the other end.  35% of pax are uninsured, frequent flyer garbage with self inflicted ailments that other operators in the area have too much sense pick up.  Everything else gives us a small sense of job satisfaction; helping the people that actually need to fly. 

"It takes a toll on the crew, MX and the AC. Morale and retention are both awful.  Every single talking suit in managment will preach SAFETY until they're blue in the face, but when it really comes down to it, safety takes a back seat to revenue.  Its only a matter of time before there's a fatal accident during a flight that never should have happened in the first place."

Been flying since 1968. Since I left the service, it don't make any difference to me why, who or what I'm flying. I get paid the same to "save lives" in EMS as I do to give rides at the fair, or the canyon or the beach. It ain't my fault some goober drove his pickup into a wall or ran over a kid. I don't save lives, the medics do. I just drive the bus.