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Haaaaa! Right! When I was lead with 23 aircraft, my BIGGEST concern was some of the guy's on PSYCH Meds! Had one who ran out on a Saturday and was literally bouncing off the walls! He had to drive 4 hours round trip to get them refilled! He and 2 others on an 8 man crew! Had to watch them like a HAWK! They would leave cowlings open, tools on deck, jobs unfinished! Finally had a crash due to one not properly doing his job, inspector missed it! Yo would not believe what some of these guys are taking and WORKING on your aircraft! I mentioned this to our PMA when he came thrrough one day. His only response was you should see how many I work with who are medicated all day! Now a Pilot would not be able to get a nedical with the stuff they are on! So WHY are the mechanics allowed to??? That is the real QUESTION! But I am one of the ones you're talking about! Don't need medicals, but put in positions of Safety Inspectors or some other administrative job when they get to the age they can't give 100%! I have serious health problems, and I have worked with guy's simply getting older, burned out and don't care anymore about their work. Just show up to get a paycheck for doing as little as possible! They get in a bind financially, wives spending and such, have to keep working till they drop dead! I said I would NEVER be like that, know when to say when. I could tell I was not 100% and told the Boss NO MORE, if I can't give you 110%, I don't come to work. Had to get on disability and deal with life that way! Sucks, but I can hold my head high!