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What you have is a bunch of companies...way too many companies...with way too many aircraft. The market is saturated. Needs to be cut by about 60%. These companies saw gold with all the dough that used to be available. Things have changed now. Also don't forget basic economics, the facts are that rich folks now have trillions of cash in profits that have been redistributed from the poor and working people over the past few decades and that money has to be invested. These companies are just places that all this money is trying to find a home and a place to be put to work. Anyway, if you don't believe that there are way way too many positions and not some kind of dire shortage of pilots, just ask yourself why if there are openings that the "services" keep on being provided and the bases aren't closed and the businesses don't go out of business. If the number of HAA was rational there would be about 1/3 of them in business and you would see 15 or 20 well-qualified and capable pilots trying to get one of those jobs. The fact that there are all these pilots in the market is another feature of capitalism but that's not the subject at hand now. But in conclusion: Not too few pilots---too many "jobs"...way too many.