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Gee, I agree with you .  The experience in the industry is declining. Maybe we failed to pass on our knowledge.  As I got older, it seemed that those coming up didn't seem to care.  I think it partly generational because the Viet Nam era pilots had the experience pushed down there throats in a very short time.  In part I think it is also just the nature of people that want to fly helicopters.  There is really nothing to compare it too. If your were an experienced IP, I would guess you pretty well had a student figured out in personality, ability and attitude in the first flight.  In the military when you did the tour a lot of guys came back to the training command but most had close to a 1000 hrs. and had maybe seen a rotor head leave an aircraft because of mast bumping or at least the aftermath of it and so had something to pass on.

Too walk out of a checkride and start teaching at the very facility you trained with is the fault of the industry. The young guys have to get the experience somewhere and I argue that the training should be more expansive and more of it.  The ONLY thing I can commend Robinson for is their increased training to fly their equipment but how many people died to get in place.

 Everyone getting a participation trophy after the game didn't help the person or the industry.  It will always be about the dollar. Its a tough industry and probably not for everybody.  You will lose friends and loved ones.  Money will be average with some exceptions.  Family is a challenge but I loved the job.